Invoking Lucifuge Rofocale

Written: June 14th, 2018 | Edited: 26th March 2019

Finally, we have reached that point. The big one. Everything I’ve put on this blog has been leading up to the big reveal that i’m actually an evil illuminati satanist, teaching people the evil ways, converting them to the darkness, invoking the Anti Christ and bringing about the END of the Catholic Church!

Lol, just kidding. Lucifuge Rofocale is pretty cool, and quite powerful, but he’s not quite the literal devil, and hopefully today I will be able to dispel some smoke and mirrors by sharing a genuine and cohesive invocation of the Spirit.

As for the Church: the rampant pedophilia, hypocritical political stances, corruption and toxic globalism that they spew out like diarrhea these days will bring their end anyway. We don’t need to do anything, because not even most Catholics like the Church.

I’m not a black magician or a satanist, I’m a Hermetic Kabbalist. This may ruffle feathers on both sides, but I don’t worry, because I speak totally from experience. This post isn’t giving opinions about Lucifuge, just talking about my personal experience. Take it for what it is, and the rest is up to you.

Besides, this isn’t the 90s. Being a satanist ain’t edgy anymore : )


Who is Lucifuge Rofocale

Unlike Lucifer or other demons, Lucifuge isn’t actually someone who appears in any prominent religious scripture or even mythology. In fact, it doesn’t look like he is even mentioned anywhere before the 18th Century.

He also has basically no presence or influence on pop culture (although at the same time one might say he has influenced all modern demonic fantasy in existence. We’ll get to that).

This makes him a much more obscure being. In fact, the literature on him is so specific, that either you know exactly who he is, or you have literally no clue. He’s one of those rare figures that appears exclusively in occult literature, with no overlap in mythology, folklore, fantasy, pop culture, or anything outside of practical magick.

Lucifuge in the Grand Grimoire

He is a figure mentioned in the infamous Grand Grimoire (also known as the Red Dragon), which you may or may not have heard of. It is a book from the 19th Century (though allegedly based on material dating back to the 16th Century) and contains all sorts of information, ranging from herbal alchemy to full fledged evocation. It also has a strong political importance.


The contents themselves are quite interesting. For example, much of the herbal alchemy instructions mention exact chemicals, like copper sulfate and arsenic etc, instead of just plants, or, as is more often, symbolic allegory. This is probably because by this time chemistry had become significantly more developed and organised. It’s got a literal chemical recipe for the “Philosopher’s Stone”, which I found very amusing.

But other than that, the more interesting aspect is the list of demons. It diverges from the traditional systems, and has several demons that are not typically mentioned in older works. The most important of this is Lucifuge Rofocale, the Prime Minister of Hell.

The inclusion of modern democratic titles like Prime Minister, instead of usual aristocratic titles like Earl, Count, Duke etc. insinuates that Lucifuge as the Prime Minister is more important to the practitioner than the Emperor, which is Lucifer (in my opinion, an obvious allegory to democracy taking over monarchy, which would have been a growing opinion at the time. The Victorian Era, the beginning of our modern, industrialized world of Nation States.)

The method of evocation itself is very similar to the Ars Goetia (the usual skin-an-animal, draw Jesus’ names, cut a wand from a specific tree at a specific hour and use incense etc.). However, it is a lot more elaborate and instead of letting the magician experiment, it is very specific, and mentions the exact sequence of events that will take place. This of course, can never be true, but I appreciate that they went to the trouble.

Basically, you evoke Lucifuge, ask him to lead you to hidden treasure, and then promise to repay him with very complicated and time consuming rituals for the rest of your life or he comes and takes away your soul, or all your treasure.


This is yet another departure from traditional Grimoires. It greatly simplifies Infernal hierarchy, greatly over-complicates the rituals, filling them with many pointless actions, and instead of offering several things that the magician might want, it basically boils everything down to “treasure”, received from a single “devil”, and in exchange for eternal allegiance/soul. No wonder it caught on.

Update (2020): After more examination, I’m convinced that many “pointless” parts of the book that aren’t pointless at all. Rather, the one who wrote it probably wanted to keep “unworthy” or uninitiated people away from it, and has knowingly filled the book with empty promises of power and false techniques.

This is probably also the truth behind the Philosopher’s Stone.
In fact, one of the Spells for Invisibility is down right dangerous and will most likely end with the person being seriously poisoned and possibly dying. The final sentence for the spell is “…and all of this must be taken very seriously. After all, it’s not included here as a joke!”

So yeah. The Grand Grimoire was written by an edge lord. I bet he’d love 4chan.

I think you must be starting to see why this grimoire is important. This is the first grimoire that brought many of these concepts into notoriety, and inspired the modern Hollywood depiction of any and all Occult practices. If you ever wondered why all the satanic horror films in the 20th Century have some guy sacrificing animals, calling the Devil, and foolishly making a pact selling his soul for something he desires, then this is literally the source.

The Grand Grimoire, probably because of how simply it puts everything, without any allegory or mystical commitment, is very attractive to the average layman who wants to dabble in the occult, much more so than the Goetia. Of course, it has a strong monastic component, especially in the preparation, like fasting, praying, taking astrological times into consideration and biblical symbolism, but all this basically gets ignored when it’s depicted, or the monastic practices take on a negative element, like having to kill someone you love, cause permanent damage to yourself or “leave your humanity behind” (not the humanity!)

Lucifuge in Religion

So that’s who Lucifuge Rofocale is. A spirit from the Grand Grimoire, who can be thought of as the Archetypal pop culture devil, as it is his characteristics you see in most mass media, because he HAS no deeper meta narrative, or any strong mythological basis. You only ever see the Luciferian archetype of a cosmic rebel in deeper storie,s which are more strongly rooted in theology. Lucifuge Rofocale is the antithesis of Lucifer. This makes sense because the modern perspective of the Devil is linked to Saturn (as it should), which is the planet associated with Lucifuge, while Lucifer is the reverse force, associated with the Sun.

After all, illumination, knowledge and rebellion aren’t seen as negative things in the 21st century. But wealth, discipline, obscurity and secrecy are.

If Lucifer is interpreted as a fallen Angel, the cosmic rebel, and the one who brings the light of forbidden knowledge (like Prometheus), Lucifuge is the darkness, the being that flees from God’s light and feeds into indulgence. The one who hides knowledge, protects wealth, and guards gates.

If you take the traditional “Devil” from the Bible and split his two aspects, the Rebellious aspect from the Fall becomes Lucifer and the dark, apathetic aspect that corrupts men is Lucifuge (this is of course, ignoring all other occult significance).


This is what I meant when I said he’s basically unheard of, but also the most influential. The “Devil” most average Christians (the kind who haven’t even read the Bible) fear is Lucifuge, though the more fundamentalist type may also fear Luciferian ideals of rebellion, breaking away from tradition, pleasure and antagonism.

As for his name, it’s a play on the name Lucifer. I imagine that by the 19th Century, it had become abundantly clear that Lucifer means Bringer of Light (I don’t know why New Agers keep bringing it up like it’s some new revelation). Lucifuge, on the other hand, is the literal opposite, meaning “he who seeks refuge from Light” or “the one who flees from the Light”. This also makes more sense when you think of the traditional Christian Devil, and is much less mystical and complex than Lucifer.

The meaning of the second name, Rofocale, is unknown, but there are various interpretations of it. My personal favorite is the theory the Rofocale is an ambigram. If you read Lucifer backwards, it becomes Reficul, which can be further Latinised as Rofocale. It’s a play on the very nature of Lucifuge as the reverse of Lucifer.

If Lucifer can be symbolized by a burning torch, then Lucifuge is the hidden wealth under the Earth, in perpetual darkness until dug up. And isn’t it ironic how the methods that will make you rich are often kept from you, and never taught to us in our lives, unless we seek them out ourselves? These days Knowledge is easy, but wealth has become hard. In the old days it was both these things that were denied to the masses, so who knows maybe in the future both knowledge and wealth will be in great abundance.

Knowledge is Power, Time is Money. Sun and Saturn, the correspondence could not be more clear.

Lucifuge in the Occult

Lucifuge does not play any prominent role in occult mysticism, such as Hermetic Kabbalah, and does not traditionally fall on the Tree of Life, which is the method of classification I follow. However, on the Qliphoth he is placed on the third sphere, Satariel (meaning the Dawn of God), which is the shadow/shell of the Sephiroth Binah.

This cements his Saturnine symbolism. One may say that the Vision of Sorrow is ruled by Lucifuge Rofocale, for he is said to dwell in a maze. This experience, upon being crossed, gives one a clear vision of the supernal light. Binah/Satariel rules the third eye. The Vision of Sorrow turns to the Vision of Light, Mater Dolores turns to Virgin Mary, Kaali turns to Shakti, the Crone reveals the Divine Mother.

Perhaps one might say Lucifuge reveals Lucifer? I’m not sure about that one yet.


Other than that, its basically just the Grand Grimoire. Use any form of invocation to call upon Lucifuge, since he does not have a specific type associated with him.

Update (2019): You may also use the demonic enn of Lucifuge Rofocale to great effect.

From the point of view of archetypes and astrology, I have spent a lot of time thinking about where Lucifuge would fit in. In fact, in my invocation of Lucifer, I said that he was an entity with multiple aspects corresponding to multiple planets. If that was the Solar/Venusian aspect, then this is the Saturnian/Plutonian aspect. It is heavily associated with money, indulgence, and severity. Perhaps, while Lucifer rebelled against authority, Lucifuge might be associated more WITH authority, and the wealth and power that comes with such authority and power.

This makes him a much more tricky figure to deal with, as is the case with ALL Saturnian Gods/Spirits, and it’s probably easy to piss him off. Nonetheless, I don’t feel wary as I write this, nor feel the need to whisper his name. This is the Age of Information, and the longer we speak in whispers, the more we put everyone at risk. Given the sheer amount of dubious information on such topics, I think it’s only fair I give some genuine information, since I have nothing to gain from lying.

(although the way I write will basically put off anyone not actually interested)

After all, I’m not trying to sell you a book or a program which will teach you how to instantly get rich with Lucifuge or use his powers for your darkest desires. That’s up to you to figure out, if you choose to follow such a path. 

Why I Did This Ritual

Alright. Now that we’re past theory, we can get to the meat and bones of this post. This is my personal experience. I will say though, that it has been a fairly long time since this happened, and though I have the actual ritual well recorded, I have to rely on memory for some things.

The reason I wanted to do this invocation was, partly, and as is with everything I do, curiosity. I think I’ve known about Lucifuge since my earliest days of magick, when I really didn’t know what I was doing, thanks to a YouTube video by a certain infamous black magician (don’t pretend, we all know who he is).

At the time, I was quite captivated, due the sheer mystery and obscurity of the material. However, I was also afraid, because I was not yet sure I knew what I was doing. Despite having evoked Goetia once or twice, the lack of information around the shrouded entity was enough to discourage me. I was also a teenager, so the idea of calling on an all powerful, supreme dark being to grant my wishes, seemed really tempting. I decided I’d do it some other day, when I was a “real” magician, a sorcerer covered in tattoos, with dark entities at my finger tips, ready to carry out my selfish desires.


I haven’t really had much reason to invoke Lucifuge, and the fact that he does not fit into any traditional framework made me think he was probably just an urban myth created by that YouTuber to make money, probably having little merit.

It was only last year, when I was reading through the Grand Grimoire, which for some reason I’d ignored so far, that I came upon this name. And I was immediately hit with equal parts of amusement, curiosity and surprise. So, he was a real occult figure after all, even if only in one Grimoire. I was about to start something important, and felt that it would be good to raise the monetary gains from it, and maybe get some extra as well. Besides, it sounded fun (famous last words).

The Invocation of Lucifuge

Let’s begin with preparation. In the Grand Grimoire, there is a seal and characters for Lucifuge. I put the seal in red ink on one side of circular parchment, and the characters on the other. I transcribed the name L-U-C-I-F-U-G-E in a circle around the perimeter. You’ll recognize this to be a Goetic style seal. You can read more about how to make seals on my post here.

I made the circle from stones, since I’m preparing to discard my old fabric circle, and also because this ritual is traditionally done outdoors (which I’d do if I didn’t live in the middle of a massive Metropolitan city). On the outside, I suggest putting two candles on either side, similar to how it is recommended in the book, though I did not do this. I did the ritual facing North, corresponding to Saturn and the Earth. On my altar outside the circle, I made a smaller circle of polished stone and placed a black candle in the middle.

I did the Invocation of a Saturday, in the Hour of Saturn (which is always fun), while the Moon was waxing. To further get into the Saturnian spirit, I spent a big chunk of the day cleaning my room, discarding useless stuff, and clearing out the clutter. It’s usually not a good idea to do anything in this sort of timing, only something exceptional. To learn about astrological timings, read my post.

Anyway, I chose to do it at night, when all was quiet and I’d not be disturbed. I darkened the room, as I always do, and began.

I performed all the preliminary banishings, and invoked the Sphere of Saturn. To do so, you must trace the invoking hexagram of Saturn (google it) in black, and vibrate ARARITA, and then trace the Sigil of Saturn in the center in indigo, vibrating YHVH ELOHIM.
Remember to banish at the end of the ritual, with the same procedure but with the banishing hexagram of Saturn instead of the invoking one.

After that, I began the ritual. I first called to Lucifer, and petitioned him to send Lucifuge, his Minister. This was a slightly modified version of what is already given in the Grand Grimoire, and staring at the seal, I slipped into deeper meditation. I then continued to call to Lucifuge via different names, and most epithets came to me naturally. The most key thing is to be genuine and authentic. Don’t be pretentious, don’t be afraid (very important), and don’t treat it like a joke.


It didn’t take long for something to happen. Maybe about 15 minutes. In my last post, I talked about how some of the darker spirits, like Lilith or Samael, have a very intense arrival, but this was perhaps the most intense experience I’ve felt so far.

My vision became tinged with red. But then I realised that the space around me physically appeared to be bathed in red light. It got very, very warm, almost uncomfortably so, as my breathing became fast and shallow and heartbeat increased. It kept increasing, and it felt almost like I’d just finished a long run. Then, all of a sudden, it subdued, and I felt a very heavy, over-bearing presence.

It was Lucifuge Rofocale, Prime Minister of Hell. He had come. It felt cold, yet warm. Or rather, it was SO cold, it felt hot. Like a humid chill. Saturn is associated with scales and balance as well.

I remained calm and dealt with whatever had come. At first, I asked it what it was, and it confirmed it was Lucifuge, though I knew that intuitively.

I felt this presence loom over me, but I tried to remain firm and unwavering. Through meditating, my mind had gone blank, like an empty cup. Slowly, I allowed Spirit’s essence to pour into my mind. Now I know what you’re thinking, “oh my god, you’re supposed to evoke demons, not invoke them”. That’s true for “demons”, as in incomplete beings. Lucifuge falls more into the category of a deity. All biblical demons and darker pagan/eastern gods do. Goetia, fay, ayakashi etc. don’t.

As this happened, I temporarily assumed the personality of Lucifuge Rofocale. He spoke through me, and delivered messages. I felt myself being lifted up. I felt huge, and powerful, like a God. At the same time, I felt my arrogance and ego grow tremendously, and I felt as a lord would. He said that in order to have wealth, you must feel like this. You have to feel like a Lord to be a Lord.

I felt like this is what a stern, traditional state of power would feel like. Firm, earthly, set in stone, without regard to anything. This is what power is. There was no force behind it. It wasn’t assertive or aggressive. It simply was, stern, overbearing, like a monolith in a barren field. Lucifuge stated that that he had no momentum behind him. Under Saturn, he was unmoving, like rock. This is true power. Momentum is not power, momentum is force. Force is like Fire, Power is like a Earth. Lucifuge has no myths or legends, because he doesn’t evolve or change. He stays the same.

He said that to invoke him, a lamp should be lit, and alchohol of some sort must be poured. Do it in a dark room, and have no light in front of you, but on either side (as I suggested earlier). In front there should be incense. Just as Lucifer’s element is light, for Lucifuge it is smoke, which shrouds light and protects secrets from the uninitiated.


At this point I was starting to falter, and Lucifuge told me not to be scared even though he was terrifying. He who is scared gets overwhelmed by the darkness. Fear is the enemy. The true enemy, the true hell, the true Devil.

Fear, the farthermost state from divinity. The black dragon, the poisonous serpent, the typhon and apophis, all are rooted in things we fear, and a fear of the Unknown. But the Occult is literally about confronting the Unknown, to delve bravely into that which is on the edge of civilisation, just as the ancient Occultist, the shaman, would delve into the forest beyond the boundary of the village, in search of medicine, and hunters in search of food. Over time, these acts would become commonplace and standardized, no longer ‘unknown’. The boundary keeps expanding, and at the forefront are the courageous.

I was speaking very rapidly now. He said the true adversary is within. It is hate, greed, fear, filth, anger, envy, disgust, doubt and fear. He said “we are but unmanifest beings existing at various planes of existence. We have no physical reality, and no power over you. We cannot tempt you, or control you. It is the evil inside you that tempts you to the dark side. We have no control over your surroundings, only you yourself do”

At this point, my face slowly and unwittingly changed to an intense frown. I instinctively reasserted control. I had the momentary feeling that I would have to force control over my body again, but I didn’t. The moment I consciously attempted to change my expression, I was instantly in total control. As my consciousness came back, the presence evaporated rapidly, like a dream after waking up. “See, I told you we cannot control you”

It’s interesting. The fear and caution with which we approach these things, with the constant need to be in control and paranoid of loosing it, is an inherent part of the Ego, and I had momentarily given in.

You don’t give in to some cosmic being or demon, you give in to yourself.

I ended the ritual, as one always should, with proper expressions of gratitude, license to depart and banishings. If you invoked Saturn, now would be the time to banish it.

Conclusions and Aftermath

I know what you’re thinking: nothing in this invocation was especially revealing. I mean “in order to be rich you must feel rich” ??
That’s not new information. That’s mainstream man. I mean, not just in the occult, but even well within New Agery, and even outside spirituality. By now, there’s probably hundreds of books on it.

But you see, that’s why armchair occultism is incomplete. Of course, I’ve heard this many times. I knew this too, even before it was revealed in this Invocation.

But knowing and understanding are totally different. Remember, Chokmah (Wisdom) comes AFTER Binah (Knowledge), and ultimately leads to Kether (Realisation). During this invocation, something changed. The understanding didn’t come, but it was as if the idea made sense. It is difficult to describe what happens during any meditation, but I assume if you’re reading this blog, you know, so I don’t need to explain.

I came to realise what exactly it means to “feel” powerful, or rich. That is the key, to power or wealth, or to manifesting anything. Like attract Like, as Hermeticism would say.

The realisation comes throughout one’s life. It’s not a single moment of realisation, but a multitude of them occurring repeatedly over the course of one’s life.

As for money, did I get any? Well, it’s interesting. I never cast to “get money”, but I always strive towards “earning money”. Following this invocation, I ended up doing two different divinations for two different people. One was free, one I did for money.

But, of course, I don’t do occult stuff for a living. The other things that I had begun prior to this ritual worked out well, but bear in mind this was proper work that already had an assured paycheck at the end. On the other hand, for about a month, various opportunities to make cash started coming to my attention. I also ended up saving money in various ways, which is just as important.

This is how it usually works, at least in my opinion. You perform magick directed at something, and it’s rarely given to you, but you’re presented with opportunities to get it. One of the biggest things that presented itself was an art competition, with a considerable reward. However, the work that I was doing ate up so much time and energy that I willingly chose to let this competition slide. Usually, I like to participate in competitions, just to get an opportunity to improve my creative work and test it out against others, but this time, I let it go. I have no idea if the Invocation could have increased my chances of winning. Sometimes, you just gotta cut stuff loose in order to focus on what’s important. Sometimes, it’s just that poverty mindset holding you back, making you participate in every competition that comes your way. Somewhere, deep inside, you feel like you have to jump at every opportunity or miss out on something.


Update (2019): After this ritual, I left to live in a foreign country for the next 6 months. During this period, I really had to learn to be wise with money, since I had a set amount of foreign currency. While I was there, I also made the offerings to Lucifuge that I’d promised him (food offerings, basically). The whole experience taught me a LOT about money, since I met many people who were successful in their fields. Who knows, maybe the Invocation made it so I was pushed into situations where I had to learn about wealth and power. You know what’s amusing though?
When I was returning my baggage was heavy and I had to pay a fee. This was totally unanticipated, but would have happened anyway. I’d later buy some food and water. After I was done I had exactly 1 euro left.
Ha. The whole time I was there I’d been worried. I thought I was missing out on experiences by being too tight with money, since I was tracking my finances far more than the others. And yet I was left with but a single euro. This means I spent exactly how much I should have, and if I’d done anything more I’d have been short. Maybe sometimes you need to trust your gut and stop worrying.

In conclusion, I recommend anyone with at least a few years of experience to try out this invocation. However, this is one time I will recommend caution.

Lucifuge Rofocale is far too intense to be messed with or taken lightly. I will also mention now, before the Christians come screeching to save my soul, that I am not a Satanist, or Luciferian, or an LHP practitioner.

I do not live my life with fear of the Unknown or the constant fear of damnation, either in context of my own religion or any other. I simply do what I think is right, and live virtuously the best I can. I see the exploration of things like the occult, and experimentation for the sake of knowledge and growth as positive. You are free to disagree, but simply telling me I’m going to hell isn’t going to suddenly convert me from the faith I was raised in (which itself just barely appeals to me. I’m a Hindu by culture, but religious orthodox Hinduism is just as terrified of the Unknown as fundamental Christianity. It wont damn you, it’ll just tell you how you’re a disgrace for daring to think beyond what you should think.).

One final thing to mention is this. We usually Invoke deities so that aspects of our personality which are incomplete, may become whole as we “inherit” the characteristic from the Gods. Lucifer has charm, charisma, and cockiness. Lucifuge has assertiveness, power, and a healthy amount of desire. Perhaps, if you’re not able to stand up for yourself, are ridden with guilt because of materialistic desire, or stuck in a state of poverty, Lucifuge may be the one to invoke.

Well. So here we are, at the end again. I would like to thank everyone who has liked my blog and sent me positive messages. It really drives me to write more.

EDIT 2020: As of July 2020, I’ve written a new book on the Tree of Life and Kabbalistic theory. I’m quite proud of it, and you can check it by going to the Books tab, or clicking right here.

This has been my Invocation of Lucifuge Rofocale, and I hope you found it useful to your own practice, or just enjoyed reading it! If you liked this post, follow my blog, and check out other stuff I’ve written. You can also follow me on Instagram @WhiteRavenMagus

That’s all for now. Take care. Until next time.

~White Raven

28 thoughts on “Invoking Lucifuge Rofocale

      1. How ya going matey. My name is Jared Tansley. And I read your article awesome by the way absolutely loved it. Is there another way I can communicate with you? My Facebook Jared Tansley Perth Australia. Profile picture is of me and my girlfriend. I believe Lucifuge Rofocale has a job for me. And to be honest, I’m pretty bloody nervous. It’s about envoking him, as I’ve never done this before. Any information would be a huge help. Thank you matey hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes Jared.


  1. You might be interested to know that Lucifuge also shows up in the Grimoirium Verum,(Jake-Stratton Kent version) under the alternate name Tachimarche, I think he may also show up in some other biblioteque bleu new-world era grimoires. Anyways great blog!


  2. I like the spirit word about control.When you contact him again ask him about his or her fall.or if you meet with other spirits ask them who was the first person to conjur or summon them to their appearance.I like your braveness.Send me a feedback via my email,plz.


    1. My friend White Raven, after reading your blog I feel some kind of freedom within me. As a no experienced in the art you have made it all for me. It is now two years I am practissing but I never invoke any spirit but I have chosen Lucifuge Rofocale and would like to know him more and grow closer to him. Be more powerful in my political career while living wealthy and overcome the spirit of poverty.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. He is very intense. And the energy around him is very dense. Almost feels like the center of a huge gravity well. Im glad your experience helped corroborate my own experience invoking him. Great work!


  4. I love this it really inspires a lot thanks for the information will like to know more about occult because am still learning I practice Hindu too here In Nigeria


  5. I was looking for info about a different deity and by scrolling on Google I end up find it the name of the appearance of this deity to me and didn’t know who it was and when it was in front of me I didn’t know what to do or say, so I just looked at it for like mins and then it went away. I didn’t invoke it or anything like that it just appeared out of nowhere. After that it has not appeared yet. At least I know the name and I know it is going to happen again. Thank you it was very helpful.


  6. What I appreciate with you the most is your honesty, besides the eye-opening information that you deliver. Thank you very much for sharing!


    1. No. From my personal experience, an offering of DNA, either blood, hair, nails etc is never recommended to any spirit except the Highest Cosmic Gods. Even so, such things are ideally not used as “offering” but as a way to add your essence to things. For example, adding a small drop of blood to a money candle.


  7. You always have wonderful posts and they are so enjoyable as well informative!
    Thank you!
    I appreciate you keeping it at a level where even readers who know nothing of the occult can feel on your level and learn.


  8. Hey how ya going White Raven, “WOW” Awesome information and aa wicked write up. Love ed it. People should know the truth. And these Ancient Beings Deserve to be Respected.

    Well done My Man
    Your Friend Jarry

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I thank you very much for many things, such as truth and clarity. Several questions were circulating in my head and I found answers to them here. There is no doubt that Lucifuge Rofocale led me here. Thank you Lucifuge Rofocale.


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